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레이블이 Telecommuting Jobs for Accountants인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'jobs for accountant'|Job Advertisement for the Position of NGO Council Accountant

About 'jobs for accountant'|Job Advertisement for the Position of NGO Council Accountant

determine,salary               ,accountant               2
               Depending               on               the               type               of               work               you               pursue               as               an               accountant,               you               can               earn               well               into               the               six               figures               every               year.

Although               money               shouldn't               be               your               entire               focus               in               your               accounting               career,               it               is               always               best               to               seek               out               the               best-paying               jobs.
               Understand               that               the               average               salary               for               an               accountant               depends               upon               the               state               in               which               you               live.

For               example,               the               average               salary               in               California               is               $75,000,               while               in               Pennsylvania               it               is               $63,000.

Visit               PayScale.com               to               learn               more               about               average               accountant               salaries               in               your               state.;
               Realize               that               an               accountant's               salary               also               depends               on               his               or               her               experience               in               the               field.

A               junior-level               accountant               might               make               $40,000               per               year               in               a               large               firm,               while               a               senior-level               accountant               can               make               upwards               of               $75,000.;
               Recognize               the               fact               that               CPA's               can               advance               to               higher               financial               positions               within               the               industry.

One               of               the               most               sought-after               jobs               for               an               accountant               is               the               position               of               Chief               Financial               Officer               (CFO),               which               averages               $157,000               nationwide.;
               Know               that               experts               predict               that               accountants'               salaries               are               expected               to               increase               at               least               three               percent               by               the               end               of               2007.;
               Interview               accountants               who               have               been               working               in               the               industry               for               several               years.

Ask               what               a               recent               graduate               can               expect               to               earn               when               working               in               certain               fields.;
               Visit               RobertHalfFinance               to               review               the               accounting               salary               guide               and               to               stay               updated               in               the               latest               trends               for               accountants'               salaries.
               Obtain               the               most               education               possible.

Accountants               with               master's               degrees               in               accounting               or               business               administration               can               earn               much               higher               salaries               than               those               with               bachelor's               degrees.

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